
Changemakers Mag

This is Denim Privé’s first ever Changemakers magazine, which will debut at the 2023 October Kingpins show in Amsterdam. We wanted to create a space to showcase the work we are doing as producers around a particularly relevant theme: impact. Inside you’ll find articles, industry innovations, podcast highlights, and more around this topic. It’s a collection of voices geared towards uplifting and examining our impact as producers. Ending the tragedy of the commons will require creating change at the source. These are the people and the work getting us there.

and this is the sustainability report intro: While sustainability reporting is currently on a voluntary basis, we view it as our basic responsibility. We have done our best to standardise how we report so that we don’t leave anything out. Denim Privé’s report was developed per GRI Standards, aligns with SASB standards and metrics, and links to several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our goal is to track our progress, inform our decisions about where to improve next, communicate in a clear and transparent way with the industry, and do it in a way that can be easily compared to the industry as whole. Check out our 2022 report to see what we’ve been up to (in all the glorious details).